Friday, January 27, 2012

Get to Know Devin Kerns - Distinguished Young Woman of Oklahoma for 2011

Name: Devin   
Age: 19
Hometown: Stillwater, OK
College: Southern Methodist University
Major: Communication Studies Major, Italian Minor

Favorite TV show: Gilmore Girls
Favorite movie: Grease
Favorite Olympic sport: Figure Skating
Favorite quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky
Favorite time of day: Sunset

Plan ahead OR procrastinate: Depends on how important it is.
Paper OR plastic: Paper so I can recycle it!
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: Hopefully my waitress keeps the glass topped off so it’s always full to the brim.
Introvert OR extrovert: Extrovert
Cats OR Dogs: Cats…My family has five. 
Morning person OR night person: Night person

If you could be any color crayon, what would you be and why? Turquoise. It’s my favorite color, the color of the beach, and of course the prettiest jewelry!

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? Taylor Swift

What is your biggest fear? Letting people down. I’m a perfectionist to the core and sometimes I need to be reminded that it’s okay to fail, as long as I did my best.  For me, failing is simply not an option and I’m not very good at dealing with it.

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own? Well, my mom told me this repeatedly but I never gave it much thought: College goes by EXTREMELY fast, so enjoy every minute of it.  I’ve only completed one semester, but it feels like one huge blur of excitement, frustration, and coffee.  But looking back, I’ve completed 1/8 of my college experience.  That’s crazy!

Sum yourself up in three words. This is a Distinguished Young Women interview question if I ever saw one! Ambitious, outgoing, and adventurous.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. My favorite moment occurred during Nationals. On Finals Night, we had all just completed our opening number to Adele’s fabulously jazzy piece “Rolling in the Deep” for the last time, ever.  All fifty of us lined up in our places for the moment we had all been waiting for: the announcement of the top ten.  I was shaking.  All of a sudden, the MC announced my name, first! I was in absolute shock, but somehow made it downstage.  To top it off, the girl whom I became closest to (North Dakota’s Jacky Arness) throughout the two weeks of Nationals was called as the second girl to be in the ten with me! My mouth dropped open in shock.  We laughed and sweated our way through the entire process together, and now she would perform right next to me on the very last night of competition.  Running backstage in order to change, I remember hugging and laughing and saying how we no longer cared about the outcome of the night, this moment of victory was enough.  Standing next to her in the top ten is really what Distinguished Young Women is all about—rewarding girls for their hard work while bringing them together to form close friendships.  While Jacky and I go to college thousands of miles away from each other, we keep in touch and I still consider her one of my dearest friends!

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