Friday, January 27, 2012

Get to Know Rachel Williams - Distinguished Young Woman of New Mexico for 2011

Name: Rachel Marie Williams
Age: 18
Hometown: Kirtland, New Mexico
College: University of New Mexico
Major: (undeclared) International Studies

Current #1 most played song on your iPod: Requiem on Water by Imperial Mammoth
Favorite quote: “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13
Most hated household chore: Cleaning the dishes, especially cleaning peanut butter off dishes.
Favorite time of day: A few hours before the sun sets.
Favorite time of year: Spring-just as everything is blooming with color.

Plan ahead OR procrastinate? Procrastinate.
Paper OR plastic? Paper.
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty? Glass half-full.
Introvert OR extrovert? Extrovert.
Cats OR dogs? Dogs.
Morning person OR night person? Night person.

If you could be any color crayon, what would you be and why? If I could be any color crayon I would be sunset orange. Orange is my favorite color, but to be just plain “orange” would be boring and I would like to think I’m far from boring. Also, it should be mentioned that orange is the loudest color and the perfect mixture of love (red) and happiness (yellow).

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? If I could trade places with anyone it would be Selena Gomez. No, not because she is dating Justin Beiber, but because nearly every girl (even some boys!) in the world calls her their role model. To be able to positively influence so many girls is my dream. What an amazing blessing it would be. 

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own? I wish someone had told me how easy it is for a person to change when they go to college. College is so morally diverse. You have to pack your values and integrity in your suitcase because it’s imperative that you maintain who you are as a young lady.

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved? When I was younger I promised myself I would be Valedictorian, now the most important goal is to get into law school and earn a law degree. 

What do you want to be when you grow up and why? When I grow up I want to be happy. No matter what occupation I choose or how many kids I have; I just want to be happy.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. The most incredible moment I’ve experienced because of Distinguished Young Women is one that doesn’t last just a few seconds, but for a lifetime. Knowing that I will have a bond with 49 other girls for the rest of my life is such an amazing feeling. I feel a bond with these girls that is unbreakable.

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