Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Get to Know Megan Jack - Distinguished Young Woman of West Virginia for 2011

Name: Megan Jack
Age: 18
Hometown: Moundsville, West Virginia
College: Belmont University – Nashville, TN
Major: Entertainment Industry Studies with a Mathematics minor, although next semester my minor will change to either film, broadcasting, or theatre.

Favorite food: Noodles!
Favorite TV show: My newest obsession is Pretty Little Liars, but I’m still on Season 1.
Current #1 most played song on your iPod: “Doing It Wrong” -Drake
Favorite quote: “Don’t think, just do.” –John Hennen (Director from WV Governor’s School)
Favorite time of day: Breakfast, lunch or dinner. Really anytime I can eat.

Plan ahead OR procrastinate: I procrastinate, but take it from someone who knows… PLAN AHEAD!
Paper OR plastic: Paper… you can use them as book covers and wrapping paper later.
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: Oh, all the way full.
Introvert OR extrovert: Extrovert
Cats OR Dogs: Kittens>Puppies. Dogs>Cats.
Morning person OR night person: Night. Night. Night.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
My most embarrassing moment would probably have to be during orientation of freshman year here at Belmont. While the rest of my class was entering the auditorium/student life center for a traditional, prestigious ceremony, I was outside on the stairs with leaders surrounding me because I passed out. I think it was just because I hadn’t had much food the previous day and all the excitement, but while the rest of the class got inducted, I got inspected…

What would I find in your refrigerator right now (if you have one)?
An almost empty bottle of Diet Coke, Simply-To-Go fruit cup, frozen apple pie, frozen chicken pot pie, natural peanut butter, and Ghiradelli caramel squares.

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own?
It’s hard to pick one… so I’ll go with three. 1. Don’t bring your entire wardrobe and don’t bring really nice clothes. The dryers in dorms have one setting: SHRINK. 2. You can’t procrastinate or slack off like you might have been able to in high school. Everything counts now and you have to remember you are now PAYING for this education. Take courses in things you WANT to learn about. If you can’t get in them, don’t be afraid to go to the department head. 3. Making friends with your professors will really be your best bet. There are no “teacher’s pets” in college, just as there’s no pressure to drink or do drugs like people say. High school and college are two different environments.

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved?
At the beginning of the year I made a “101 Things in 1001 Days” list and “Get an A in Religion” was on it. Pulled off an A- for the first semester!
One that still remains is to write five songs and publish them. Nashville is the perfect place for it.

What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
I want to be someone who makes a difference. I’m still all over the place within my major right now - I know I want to end up in the entertainment industry; however, I don’t know exactly where. I’m hoping internships and more classes will help. I just know I want to make a difference in at least one person’s life - a significant difference.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. 
My favorite moment of Distinguished Young Women was the moment the finalists were called and I wasn’t one. Now, that may sound silly, but let me explain. After the finalists were announced, the remaining 40 went back to the dressing rooms to just “hang out” and Indiana, Hawaii, Colorado, and I made friendship bracelets as we waited. In that moment we could feel the connections we had made in the last two weeks. Ironically, my bracelet fell off the day after Christmas- it was made of simple white and blue thread, so I was surprised it lasted that long. Making bracelets with Kelsey, Aspen, and Calla was just one of those moments I’ll remember in thirty years. I still have that bracelet and the sister ones my host sister, Illinois, and I bought as well.

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