1) Naps - There is no such thing as sleep with all the work you receive in college. I find taking little naps here and there throughout the week can really help you pull through.
2) Fridge with food - The college dinging halls are not that great and you lose interest from the choices you are given very easily. I recommend you go to a local grocery store, or a store on campus and stack your fridge with tons of delicious snacks. I have discovered it is a lot of fun to see what you can come up with in your own fridge rather than struggling amongst your non favorable options. I have included a link to the website my friends and I refer to for new cooking ideas. http://www.squidoo.com/goactivism
3) Planner - I could not live without my daily planner/agenda. It holds all of my homework and events I have going on that day. I color coordinate my subjects and often have a corresponding calendar to keep myself on track. My planner basically holds my
life. So much is going on in college and you cannot possibly remember everything that
is going on or what you have to do. This is a way you can be certain that you are kept
on your toes. Student agendas can be purchased at the school store or even online if
you are looking for a good deal.
4) Water bottle - Staying hydrated is very important to me. I find my skin looks healthier
and I feel better about myself when I drink a good amount of water. You do not realize
how dehydrated your body becomes with every day activity. Especially because I am
often on the go, I find it is best to have a non disposable, environmentally friendly water
bottle. When I first started college I got a brita one http://www.brita.com/products/filtering-bottle/brita-bottle-aqua/. If you do not love plain water, try flavored or add a
Crystal Light.
5) Lipstick -This is my go to touch up after a day of classes and then meeting someone
for dinner or out for the night. Find what looks best on you and wear it proudly, it adds
that pop of color that everyone notices. My personal favorite is Red Lizard by NARS
from Sephora http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml?id=P2865
6) Scarves - One of my most favorite things to accent my outfits with is a scarf. When I
am even in a hurry I can always manage to throw on a nice shirt, jeans, and
accessorize with a scarf. It is the one accessory in your wardrobe that has limitless
styling possibilities. Nordstrom has some of my most favorite. http://shop.nordstrom.com/c/scarveswraps#category=b60138438&type=category&marketingslots=2&page=2&sort=featured&sortreverse=0&size=&width=&color=&price=&brand=&instoreavailability=false&lastfilter=&sizeFinderId=2
7) Study groups - What sounds better than socializing and studying at the same time?
I am a biology major and studying with a group of friends is the best. I find I am always
able to comprehend things better in a group then when I am by myself. We share notes
and are able to talk the material through, clearing up any problems someone in the
group may have. If you are not already part of one, I recommend you start one because
it becomes a useful study habit and has impressive results.
8) Friends and getting involved - The best way to get to know people in college is to
get involved in a sport or club. There you can make bonds with people who have the
same interests as you do. The friends you make in college are the friends you will have
for life. Unlike high school, in college you live with people who have all sorts of different
majors and preferences. The fact that you all can adapt to each other’s ways and
compromise is advantageous. You will learn so much from others that you did not know,
and maybe even find out things about yourself.
9) Pen pal - I have never had a pen pal before until last semester. It is not time
consuming, is inexpensive, and you both benefit from it. With the letters, I am able to
keep track of detailed events in my life and I get to learn a lot about myself when
answering questions. These letters are an old method used in a way of learning
something new. Things today are so instant with texting and email, and the letter writing
makes you wait which is even better. There is something about knowing you are going
to receive a letter that gets you through a hectic week. I love to hear about other things
people are doing with their lives and what achievements they are making for
themselves. I recommend you start by writing to your close friend from high school.
Write to each other each week and update one another about what is going on. Who
knows where one response will take you?...
“The only difference between an extraordinary life and an ordinary one is the
extraordinary pleasures you find in ordinary things.” -Veronique Vienne
Stay Distinguished,
Gabrielle xo!
Gabrielle Walter is a college freshman at Canisius College in Buffalo, New York majoring in Biology/Pre-medicine. Originally from East Amherst, New York, Gabrielle was a participant in the Distinguished Young Women program and was selected as the Distinguished Young Woman of New York for 2011. Learn more about Gabrielle here!
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